Valley Truth Pages

Discussion on various topics kept hidden from public perception.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

From Killer Spinach to Gamma Ray Greens

For weeks, they searched for the source of contamination of spinach grown in San Juan Bautista, California. Now the topic has dropped from the headlines and likely from the minds of consumers. Initially it was logical to believe that the filth of factory farming was to blame by contaminating the water supply; however, there are farms everywhere that come in contact with water sources, so why hasn’t this occurred more frequently? It was also interesting to note that no one found it odd that the FBI became involved in the “investigation.”

At first one could attribute the spinach scare to the greater fear campaign that is waged daily on the American public. Although, generally, most issues that receive such exaggerated news attention have an alternative motive. In this instance, that motive is to mobilize support for food irradiation. The suspicion was confirmed upon reading the US FDA’s page Nationwide E. Coli O157:H7 Outbreak: Questions & Answers ( Following is one question from their Q&A page:

Can irradiation be used as a means to control microbial contamination in produce?

To date, FDA has not received a specific request (petition) from industry to allow for the irradiation of fresh produce for the purpose of controlling microbial contamination. FDA does have a petition under review to permit the irradiation of multi-ingredient foods, including prepackaged (bagged) fresh produce, for the purpose of controlling microbial contamination. This petition, if approved, would permit the irradiation of prepackaged fresh spinach at specified doses. Note, however, that the suitability and efficacy of the irradiation of foods for microbial control must be examined by industry on a product-by-product basis.

Then there are Op/Ed pieces such as one that ran on September 26, 2006, in the Baltimore examiner that claim “Group’s opposition to food irradiation is a threat to life.” The piece, written by Jay Ambrose, labels those who have concerns about governmental misuse of science as anti-modernist, back-to-nature extremists. In his piece he practically begs the powers that be to take needed steps in government, in business, and in science, to protect our food.

Again on October 2 another Op/Ed piece appeared in the Baltimore Examiner that declared: “Food irradiation needed to protect consumers.”

Additional research found a statement from Ruth Kava, Ph.D., R.D., Director of Nutrition at the American Council on Science and Health , that notes although Food Irradiation was “intended” for meat products, consumers should consider pressing “the FDA and other overseers of the nation's food supply to extend protective food irradiation to produce such as spinach and other salad greens.”

For information about food irradiation and groups working against food irradiation please visit:
Organic Consumers Association
Sustainable Table
Public Citizen, Food Irradiation
Food Irradiation Watch (Australia)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Exposing the Federal Reserve

Much has been documented about the Federal Reserve and there are numerous books and videos that expose the truth. The Fed's Board of Governor's website masquarades as a governmental enterprise and the twelve regional Banks as non-profits. Following is an excerpt from a short paper by Melvin Sickler regarding what happened to two U.S. Presidents who stood against the federal reserve scam.

"Both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were assassinated while they held the high office of President of the United States. Both of these former presidents had also created their own money system to run the United States while they were in office is this just a coincidence?"