Valley Truth Pages

Discussion on various topics kept hidden from public perception.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Turkeys, Factory Farming, and Peaceful Alternatives

Factory farming regards animals and the natural world as commodities to be exploited for profit. In animal agriculture, this has led to institutionalized animal cruelty, environmental destruction and resource depletion, and animal and human health risks.

260-300,000,000 turkeys are raised and killed for their flesh every year in the United States. Of this total, approximately 45,000,000 are killed for Thanksgiving, and 22,000,000 are killed for Christmas.

Peaceful Alternatives:

Information about turkey factory farms:

Peace is not just for people, it is for the earth and all its inhabitants.

On another note, here is another perspective on the American holiday known as thanksgiving: The American Thanksgiving: Rejoicing in Genocide and White Supremacy by the Black Agenda Report Executive Editor Glen Ford.


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