Valley Truth Pages

Discussion on various topics kept hidden from public perception.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Turkeys, Factory Farming, and Peaceful Alternatives

Factory farming regards animals and the natural world as commodities to be exploited for profit. In animal agriculture, this has led to institutionalized animal cruelty, environmental destruction and resource depletion, and animal and human health risks.

260-300,000,000 turkeys are raised and killed for their flesh every year in the United States. Of this total, approximately 45,000,000 are killed for Thanksgiving, and 22,000,000 are killed for Christmas.

Peaceful Alternatives:

Information about turkey factory farms:

Peace is not just for people, it is for the earth and all its inhabitants.

On another note, here is another perspective on the American holiday known as thanksgiving: The American Thanksgiving: Rejoicing in Genocide and White Supremacy by the Black Agenda Report Executive Editor Glen Ford.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Shocking Timeline of U.S. Human Medical Experimentation

Last week a timeline of US human medical experimentation was published on this blog but the posting has disappeared likely due to a technical glitch (we hope).

News Target provides a variety of health information including a shocking timeline detailing the history of human medical experimentation. Originally published in March 2006.

Part I
Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1833-1965)
Part II
Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1965-2005)

Excerpt from Introduction Part I:

"The United States claims to be the world leader in medicine. But there's a dark side to western medicine that few want to acknowledge: The horrifying medical experiments performed on impoverished people and their children all in the name of scientific progress. Many of these medical experiments were conducted on people without their knowledge, and most were conducted as part of an effort to seek profits from newly approved drugs or medical technologies."

Note: the blog author does not agree that animals are acceptable substitutes for experimentation and is disturbed that animals are bred to be and used as laboratory subjects. For more information on the connection between nature, animals, and humankind, visit the website for the film Earthlings.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Global Climate Change or Weather Warfare?

The weather is much different than in recent years. Hurricanes and tornadoes are occurring in areas where they had not previously been reported. Trees and flowers are budding and blooming earlier. On the west coast many trees are dropping their leaves much later and in some instances deciduous trees and shrubs are not shedding all their leaves. Many notice a constant hazy sky. Many have noted a much higher incidence of static electricity.

Weather warfare is a topic few are willing to conceptualize let alone discuss, but the reality exists. Full spectrum dominance requires full control from military power, to space, to electronic communication and surveillance, to the weather. Few know that this threat has existed for decades and was such a concern that a treaty was signed in Geneva on May 18, 1977, Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques

In his October 31, 2006, article titled "Beneath the Debate on Climate Change: Weather Warfare and the Manipulation of Climate for Military Use," Michel Chossudovsky has composed a new introduction to repost his article from September 27, 2004, "The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: Owning the Weather for Military."

The article begins with the following quote:
"Weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary... In the United States, weather-modification will likely become a part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. Our government will pursue such a policy, depending on its interests, at various levels." (US Air Force, emphasis added. Air University of the US Air Force, AF 2025 Final Report,"

Sourcewatch has posted the following definition of Environmental Warfare in addition to key articles on the topic:

Environmental warfare is "defined as (1) the intentional modification of a system of the natural ecology, such climate and weather, earth systems such as the ionosphere, magnetosphere, tectonic plate system, and/or the triggering of seismic events (earthquakes) (2) to cause intentional physical, economic, and psycho-social, and physical destruction to an intended target geophysical or population location, (3) as part of strategic or tactical war.

A key aspect of the Weather Warfare strategy is the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) based in Gokona, Alaska, that has been in existence since 1992. HAARP is part of a new generation of sophisticated weaponry under the US Strategic Defense Initiative; it is operated by the Air Force Research Laboratory's Space Vehicles Directorate, and is a system of powerful antennas capable of creating "controlled local modifications of the ionosphere" [upper layer of the atmosphere].