Valley Truth Pages

Discussion on various topics kept hidden from public perception.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

China's Olympic Weather Announcement and other International Weather Modifiers

According to Yahoo Singapore Sports (and many other sources), China's Weather Modification Office Plans Good Weather for 2008 Olympics:

"Beijing will use aircraft, missiles and cannon in what could amount to a massive umbrella over the city to keep athletes dry during next year's Olympics, state media reported Friday. The August 8-24 sporting extravaganza will happen during normally arid Beijing's rainy season when hail as well as water is often seen, the Beijing Times said. But the weather bureau plans to use advanced techniques to force rain clouds to unload as far away as 90 kilometres (56 miles) from the capital, the paper said."

According to North American Weather Consultants, Inc., "Attempts to modify the weather have been conducted for centuries. However, modern cloud seeding dates from the late 1940's, springing from a discovery at the General Electric labs in Schenectady, New York in 1946."

Utah Division of Water Resources even has a clever animation of cloud seeding on their website.

In California it is tastefully referred to as "Precipitation Enhancement" -- a program that "seriously began" in 1943 and has been conducted in Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Kings River (central Ca.) to name a few sites.

Research activities are conducted by both private entities and public agencies. The list of search results is endless, but it clearly is an international phenomena. One has to wonder what are the environmental impacts of using these chemicals and what does this manipulation do to the regular weather cycles. Also, what advanced techniques and weather control programs are being researched and implemented without full disclosure to the public.

Some Random Links to Weather Modification Programs and Articles:
Nevada State Cloud Seeding Program
San Antonio, TX and in Texas WM is so popular the state has a licensing entity to regulate the business as do several other states.
Loza Weather Modification Rocket
New South Wales Snowy Mountain (UK)

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